Burrito Bison is an action-packed launch game that features a luchador wrestler known as Burrito Bison, who finds himself in an odd world filled with gummy bears. The primary objective is to launch Burrito Bison as far as possible across an elongated, colorful track filled with various obstacles and enemies, primarily in the form of squishy gummies. Players slingshot Burrito Bison out of the wrestling ring and into the streets of the gummy bear city, using timing and strategic upgrades to break through barriers and bounce on gummies to keep propelling forward.
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Burrito Bison is an action-packed launch game that features a luchador wrestler known as Burrito Bison, who finds himself in an odd world filled with gummy bears. The primary objective is to launch Burrito Bison as far as possible across an elongated, colorful track filled with various obstacles and enemies, primarily in the form of squishy gummies. Players slingshot Burrito Bison out of the wrestling ring and into the streets of the gummy bear city, using timing and strategic upgrades to break through barriers and bounce on gummies to keep propelling forward.
As players progress in the game, they collect coins and other bonuses from smashing through the gummy ranks. These collectibles can be used to purchase upgrades that enhance Burrito Bison’s launching capabilities, improve his speed, or increase the effects of power-ups encountered on the track. Each upgrade plays a critical role in extending the distance Burrito Bison can cover in a single launch. Additionally, special gummy bears provide unique boosts that can dramatically alter the course of a run, such as rocketing through the air or getting a bouncy spring boost.
The challenge in Burrito Bison arises from the need to achieve specific goals set in each session, such as reaching a certain distance, smashing a specific number of gummy bears, or activating particular power-ups. Completing these challenges rewards the player with extra bonuses and unlocks new content, including additional wrestlers with unique abilities. This layer of goals adds a rewarding depth to the gameplay, encouraging players to strategize their upgrades and launches to meet these objectives.
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